Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

What is a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

Oklahoma House Bill 2375, signed by Governor Walters on May 28, 1992, created a state Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) system to promote increased efficiency in the expenditure of public dollars on capital items. This creates a framework that encourages planning for future development, growth and improvement through inventory and analysis, policy development and implementation strategy.

ODOC, with the COGs and Oklahoma State University, established the procedure that standardizes CIPs across the state. Grand Gateway’s CIPs must comply with the format provided by the state. The act and regulation requires Grand Gateway to collect and submit CIPS to ODOC for their approval.

Grand Gateway staff works with funded municipalities to collect detailed inventory data including all municipal owned infrastructures. The information is compiled into a database, which is then connected to digitized maps, using precise GPS data, forming a Geographic Information System (GIS).

Eligible Entities

The Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) uses CDBG funds to assist communities who are low to moderate income eligible (51%+). CDBG/CIP grant funds are determined by population and amount of infrastructure a community owns and are approved/awarded by ODOC to the communities. Leverage or match is required for grant application which can be cash or in-kind.

Historically the legislature appropriated funds for those cities that were not CDBG eligible to complete CIPs. These funds are not available at the current time.

CIP grant applications are released each April and due by June 1st. ODOC awards the community CIP grants each August. 

Communities that are not grant eligible can contract with Grand Gateway for CIP services at cost.

For more information please contact Grand Gateway at 1-800-482-4594.

Grant Management Services