Economic Development Initiatives Fund (EDIF)

What is EDIF?

The EDIF program is designed to provide infrastructure financing to eligible units of local government for the benefit of healthy, expanding, and start-up businesses. Eligible units of local government sponsor applications for public infrastructure financing on behalf of private businesses that will create jobs resulting from the improvements. CDBG may be in the form of a grant, loan, or a grant/loan combination. The unit of local government is responsible for ensuring the proposed project meets the funding criteria, and state and federal regulations.

The CDBG/EDIF program provides public infrastructure financing to help communities grow jobs, enable new business startups and expansions for existing businesses. Projects should expand economic opportunities principally for people earning low to moderate incomes. Funding projects in which at least 51 percent of the new jobs created are made available to low and moderate income individuals. Publicly owned and maintained improvements that will provide basic infrastructure services to a new or expanding business, including water, sewer, transportation improvements, and rehabilitation and new construction of publicly owned industrial buildings. 

Typical Uses of CDBG/EDIF funds

  • Acquisition of real property for public ownership and maintenance

  • Acquisition of public facilities for public ownership and maintenance (except for buildings used for the general conduct of government)

  • Construction of public facilities

  • Installation of public facilities

  • Reconstruction of publicly owned and maintained industrial buildings or structures and other industrial real property

  • Rehabilitation of publicly owned and maintained industrial buildings or structures and other industrial real property

  • Publicly owned fiber optic lines

Who is eligible and are there maximum award amounts?

Units of local government who own and have jurisdiction over the maintenance and operation of the proposed facilities, property or infrastructure improvements are eligible. 

The maximum award under the CDBG/EDIF program is $500,000. Funds may be used for acquisition of property for public ownership, acquisition of public facilities, construction and installation of public facilities, reconstruction of publicly owned industrial and real property, and rehabilitation of publicly owned structures and property. For more information contact Grand Gateway at 1-800-482-4594.

Grant Management Services