In-Home Services

Homemaker Services are provided by funding through the Older Americans Act Title III Program in all seven counties of Northeast Oklahoma, although accessing the service entails a waiting list in most counties. OAA Title III funds are limited and services meet only the bare minimum of seniors’ needs for in-home services. Increased federal and state funds are needed for this service.

Chore services are provided by funding through the Older Americans Act Title III Program in all counties. Chore funds are extremely limited. Only the most critical situations are addressed with these funds. There are a few volunteer groups with local churches that assist with limited services, such as yard work and small home repairs.

Older Americans Act Service Providers providing Outreach Services are:

Mayes & Rogers Counties:

Community Action Resource & Development, Inc. (CARD)


Craig, Delaware & Ottawa Counties:

DOCServices, Inc.


Nowata & Washington Counties:

Washington County Elder Care Services, Inc.


Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Services