Legal Services

Legal assistance for persons 60+ is provided by Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma in all seven counties of the Grand Gateway service area without charge. These services are funded by the Older Americans Act, Title III to persons age 60 years and older. A toll-free number is maintained to enable seniors to call without charge 1-888-993-2615. Legal Aid personnel will arrange an appointment with an attorney for consultation upon request. Pro-bono services are provided by local attorneys through Legal Aid Services when available and required. Legal services include wills, guardianships, evictions, etc. As with all Older Americans Act funding availability is very limited.

Older Americans Act Service Provider for Legal Services is:

Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc. 1-888-993-2615

Covering Craig, Delaware, Ottawa, Mayes, Rogers, Nowata & Washington Counties

Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Services